How to increase potency in men

Most people think that accidents in bed occur among representatives of the stronger half of humanity who are almost 40-50 years old. But that is not true. Tips on how to increase male potency.

Medical methods

There are drugs for male potency, because young men in their 20s can face the same problem. Bad habits, hectic pace of life, stressful situations, unhealthy diet, the presence of certain chronic diseases and much more - all this can cause "problems" in bed. And then potency-enhancing drugs become "saviors" for the poor who have lost faith in their virility and suffer in silence.

The man increases his potential while maintaining a healthy sex life

How does the drug for male potency work?

This pill saves the situation when there are problems with the appearance or maintenance of an erection during intimacy. Its occurrence is a very complex process, which requires blood to fill the cavernous body of the penis and stay there exactly as long as it is needed for high-quality sex, bringing pleasure to both partners.

Impotence drugs increase the activity of nitric oxide, the main mediator ("conductor") of erection and slightly dilate blood vessels, which leads to a more active blood flow to the penis, as a result of which it acquires a stable size and the necessary hardness.

Medicines begin to act only when there is an object of sexual desire. After taking it, young people can have 6-8 sexual relations, old people - 2-3. Millions of men around the world have appreciated the results of their actions. They are the best sellers among products designed to combat erectile dysfunction. But the original tablet is expensive. However, there are generic drugs manufactured in India. They are orders of magnitude cheaper, but have the same effect.


Despite the magical effects of medicines, you should not get carried away with them. They will help the stronger sex overcome self-doubt and the fear of not reaching the target if a person has experienced unpleasant shyness. Then, while waiting for the night of love, it would not be a bad idea to play it safe and take a life-saving drug for male potential. It will give confidence, peace and provide an unforgettable experience for both.

Pharmaceutical drugs are good as an emergency aid, but drugs for male potency are necessary. Treatment of the disease should begin with a visit to a specialist who will determine the true cause of male impotence or if sexual desire has disappeared.

Drug free tips for male potency

Although impotence becomes more common with age, it is not necessarily a part of aging. How to increase potency in men and what can you do to keep your sex life healthy?

  1. Listen to your diet!
    A diet that is not good for your heart health can also harm your erection. Studies have shown that dieting, which can even cause a heart attack by reducing blood flow to the arteries, also makes it harder for the penis to supply blood, even though it needs an adequate blood supply for an erection. Low-fat vegetables and fatty oils or fast food reduce blood circulation in the body.
    Recent studies have shown that erectile dysfunction is relatively rare among consumers of the traditional Mediterranean diet, especially a diet containing fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fats, seeds, fish and red wine.
    Experts say the link between the Mediterranean diet and a healthy sex life is scientifically proven. Sexy food is an understandable concept.
  2. Watch your weight!
    Being overweight causes a number of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, which causes nerve damage and negatively affects erection.
  3. Watch your blood pressure and cholesterol levels!
    High cholesterol and high blood pressure damage the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis, which can cause erectile dysfunction.
    Check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly with your doctor! We recommend that you measure your blood pressure regularly between medical examinations. High blood pressure makes it hard to get an erection because it damages your arteries, so make sure you treat it.
  4. Reduce alcohol consumption!
    Experts suggest that there is no direct evidence that moderate alcohol consumption will negatively affect erections, but regular and chronic drinking causes liver damage, nerve damage and other changes that affect male sex hormones, which can cause erectile dysfunction.
  5. Move often!
    There is a strong correlation between a sedentary lifestyle and erectile dysfunction. Running, swimming and other aerobic activities help prevent erectile dysfunction.
    Be careful with any form of movement that puts undue pressure on the barrier between the scrotum and anus. Nerves and blood vessels related to the penis can also be negatively affected by excessive pressure on the barrier. For example, cycling can cause erectile dysfunction.
    Of course, the occasional short bike ride isn't a problem, but for those who often spend a lot of time on the bike, it's important to make sure their bike seat is properly adjusted and the padded bike pants aren't worn out. . It is worthwhile to arrange a special bike ride that protects the genital area from excessive stress, including sexual dysfunction.
  6. Avoid using anabolic steroids!
    Anabolic steroids, used by many athletes and bodybuilders, can shrink the testicles, making it difficult to produce testosterone.
  7. Get used to not smoking!
    Smoking can seriously damage blood vessels, and nicotine will narrow them, reducing the blood supply to the penis.
  8. Avoid extreme sexual positions!
    For some people, it is important how to increase potency in men, because injuries during sexual activity are possible, so avoid extreme sexual positions.
  9. Reduce stress!
    Stress causes an increase in the level of the hormone adrenaline in the body, which causes the blood vessels to constrict and makes it difficult to get an erection. By reducing stress, you can promote a better sex life!

Erection starts in the brain. What someone sees, feels, smells, hears or thinks causes nerves to send chemical signals to the blood vessels in your penis. Arteries relax and open to let more blood in; at the same time the other veins close.

Once the blood enters the penis, pressure keeps it inside the corpora cavernosa. Your penis expands and maintains an erection for a certain period of time. When the blood flow stops and the veins open, your penis becomes soft.

Therefore, understanding the physiological process of getting an erection can help us understand how to increase male potency in a new light.